While the bulk of my career has encompassed web and graphics design, I have gotten a fair share of opportunities to branch out into other media.
The goal of this project was to draw casual gamers to Giganews' site through traditional viral link exchange. I had previously built a Space Invaders game as part of a Dell higher-education Flash demo and saw an opportunity to take that idea one step further. You'll find that the game play shares some basic similarities, but the departures should also be equally apparent. Effort was made to convey a metaphor for downloading files and brand reinforcement by using the Giganews Accelerator as a power-up in game to increase transfer speeds.
I contributed all artwork, code, and some of the sound effects, including voicing the many taunts that the troll character.
Century Fitness is a worldwide supplier of martial arts paraphernalia and has more than a burgeoning presence in the increasingly popular mixed martial arts phenomenon. As part of it's UFC tie-in, Century had purchased space on the matt for a URL that would target UFC fans specifically. Two days before the pay-per-view event, I was asked to produce a Flash game to try to keep people on the site longer. Beat'em Up Bob was the result.
The game features Century's iconic Bob workout dummy and prominent brand placement throughout. I produced all the graphics and code in less than 20 hours with just enough time left for client guided game play tweaking.
This commercial was for an Oklahoma City based beauty school.
(30 seconds)
[ Windows Media | MPEG-1 ]
This was the Array Group's first ad and my first substantial After Effects project.
(30 seconds)
[ Windows Media | MPEG-1 ]
This was a video developed as a flashback presentation for an awards banquet honoring employees reaching their five and ten year anniversaries.
(4 minutes 7 seconds)
[ Windows Media | Quicktime ]